Have you lost important data by accidental deletion from your PC? Or maybe your valuable files are not accessible because of a crash in the system.

In this technological era, data holds importance for everyone, whether it is for individuals or businesses, and if it gets lost it can leave a significant impact. 

It becomes a stressful and overwhelming situation when the data gets lost due to hardware or software failure, virus attack, power outage, or accident. 

However, there is no need to panic because there is a solution to it, which is Stellar Professional data recovery software. It can help you recover lost data from different storage media with its powerful data recovery software. 

This article will guide you through detailed instructions on how you can restore your lost data by using Stellar software, so without any further delay, let’s get started.  

Reasons Behind Data Loss

 Reasons behind data loss

Data loss is a major issue, especially for businesses, as some organizations are much more dependent on data for running their operations. 

It is an incident that occurs when the data gets destroyed, deleted, corrupted, or made inaccessible to the users. There are many reasons behind the Data loss, some of them listed below, let’s have a look- 

Human Errors

Most of the incidents of data loss happen because of human error, as we are by nature not perfect. For businesses, such errors can majorly impact their functionality, as the day-to-day operation of organizations involves the modification and manipulation of data. 

Sometimes without even realizing it, employees can unintentionally delete files that are essential for businesses. In some instances, data gets lost due to no backup, which makes it impossible to recover deleted files.

Corrupted Software

Another cause of loss of data is software crash, any application that requests files can crash, which leads to data loss or corruption. When the software gets corrupted, there are chances that it will not run again, resulting in the loss of your data.

The below graph represents the yearly average cost of data breaches worldwide.

Statistics on data breach cost worldwide


Laptop theft can be a serious issue, if you leave your device unattended it can be stolen. In addition, the loss of devices can also pose a threat to the breach of data, lost devices contribute to 40% of cases of data breaches. 

Computer Virus

Computer viruses can invade and destroy the data stored in hard drives and systems. Potential risks of viruses are data encryption, corruption, or even deletion of important files. 

Damage to Hard Drives

Another major reason behind the data loss is hard drive damage, information stored in hard drives can easily malfunction, resulting in irreversible loss. It can get impaired due to the overheating of the computer, or sometimes because of dust on the PC due to overuse.

Stellar: One-Stop Solution For Any Data Recovery Need

Stellar data recovery professional

Stellar data recovery professional, a solution to all your data recovery needs. It is a powerful tool that can help you retrieve your data from system crashes, formatting, accidental deletion, drive errors, partition loss, and more. It covers all the data loss scenarios, some of them mentioned in detail below.

Recovery of Deleted or Lost Files and Folders

Stellar data recovery software is a professional tool that caters to all your data recovery needs. Whether you have lost the data due to accidental deletion, Shift+Delete files, PC shutdowns, drive formatting without backup, or due to some other reason, you can recover all. It even allows you to recover permanently deleted files. 

Recover data from Missing Partitions

This DIY software allows you to restore drive partitions lost because of a corrupted drive, formatting, deletion, or some other reasons. 

Select can’t find the drive option in the software and recover missing or deleted volumes efficiently. You can further select all the files and folders and recover them simultaneously. 

Bootable Recovery From Crashed Windows

Stellar software is easy to use yet powerful, allowing you to create a bootable recovery drive. You can utilize this bootable drive for recovering data from Windows that failed to boot or crash. 

The reason behind it could be boot sector corruption, BSoD errors, hard drive failure, corrupted system files, drive file system damage, virus infection, or more.

Do you know?

Less than 0.5% of all data we create is ever used or analyzed.

Recover data from Encrypted Drive

Using stellar software, you can retrieve lost and deleted data from “BitLocker” encrypted hard drives, SSD, or external storage data media. 

In addition, you can restore data from a BitLocker encrypted disk image file and choose to run a quick or deep scan to recover lost data. Users must enter the BitLocker key to recover data from encrypted drives. 

Additional Features 

Stellar offers some additional features that can help you to recover lost data easily in different circumstances. Below are some of the additional features listed, let’s go through them- 

RAW Data Recovery

The software supports recovery from severely corrupted RAW data or removable storage media drives like SSDs, HDDs, USB drives, and 4K drives. It scans all the drive’s data to locate and restore every bit of it. 

Here’s a Fun Fact

There are nearly as many pieces of digital information as there are stars in the universe.

Restores Email Files

Stellar tool allows you to restore lost or deleted email data including Microsoft Outlook, Exchange Server, Outlook Express, and others. 

Just select ‘Emails’ under ‘Documents, Folders & Emails’ in the “Select What to Recover” screen and scan your hard drive, the software will list all the deleted email data for recovery.

Recover Data from 4K Drives

Stellar recovery software has the advanced capability to retrieve lost and deleted data from 4K and hard drives. The mechanism of the software performs deep scanning on large-sized sectors of 4096 bytes and helps you to recover data in scenarios like lost partition, omission, or corruption. 

Steps to Recover Data in Stellar Software

Recover your lost data with the help of Stellar professional recovery tool by following three simple steps mentioned below-

Step 1 – Select File Type

Select the sort of file you want to recover and click “Next”.

Stellar professional data recovery software steps

Step 2 – Select Recover From

Select the drive volume or folder location and click “Scan”.

 Stellar professional data recovery software steps

Step 3 – Scan and Recover

Choose files after the scan and click “Recover” to keep the recovered data.

Stellar professional data recovery software steps


Data holds significant importance in the current technological era, and loss of it can become overwhelming for individuals and especially businesses. 

But, it is possible to recover lost data by using Stellar data recovery professional software, it allows you to recover all the data in every possible scenario.

James Wilson
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